CRank: 5Score: 27710

did i mention Too Human? No, i didnt. In fact the demo was enough to convince me not to get the game, so no i didnt buy the game at all.

I mentioned Haze because everyone is hyping up Infamous and bashing Prototype when Infamous could turn out to be another Haze. Being excited for Infamous is all well and good, but when your degrading another game when you havent the slightest clue about whether each one will actually be good or not, youring making an ass out of yourself.

5545d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

i bet Haze was a day one purchase too wasnt it.

Dont be so quick to condemn Prototype when you dont even actually know how good or bad Infamous will be.

5546d ago 10 agree20 disagreeView comment

you sir, are dead wrong.

Ive played Halo for 8 years. Im a pretty seasoned player, and i play Halo 3 constantly online. The bottom line is that i know more about the game and the series than you. I know exactly what Bungie changed and added in each game, and Halo 3 may seem like its the same as Halo 1 and 2but its not. And i know that Halo 3 deserves the number one spot.

Killzone 2 is great, but what your saying is a horribly ignorant and unthought out opinion. ...

5546d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Japanese RPG's blow really hard anyways. They are all pretty much the same and they are horribly unoriginal nowadays.

Western RPG's are the best and are much more varied and innovative. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2, Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind and Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, Fallout 1,2, and 3. These are all games that go far beyond Final Fantasy and the countless other japanese lookalikes, such as Infinite Undiscovery, Lost Odyssey, Last Remnant, etc...

5547d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i wouldnt say Killzone 2's sniper is the best. Props to Guerrilla Games for doing something innovative, but i dont like anything motion controlled for my games. Not saying its a bad idea, its probably very realistic feeling and fun to use, but i just dont like motion controls for video games.

i really love the sniper from the first Gears of War. I also enjoy Halo 3's sniper rifle, but i admit the Halo sniper is very simple in terms of how you use it.

I also can...

5548d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

how am i spinning the truth, what i told you is fact.

Who cares if MS buys DLC, Im sure that even though Sony doesnt conduct large exclusive deals with game companies, Sony probably fills any developer's pocket full of cash in their "paycheck", so that they will stay exclusve to Sony. Multiplat games make more money than exclusives, and im sure most devs would rather make more money from making multiplat games than to give up a bunch of money to stay exclusive. So you...

5554d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

you can fabricate facts all you want, but whether they are exclusive or not, 360 has a ton of games coming this year pal.

Halo 3: ODST
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Mafia 2
Godfather 2
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Mass Effect 2
Fightnight Round 4
Red Faction Guerrilla
Halo Wars(already released)
Street Fighter 4(already released)
Resident Evil 5(already released)
Alan W...

5554d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

How was Halo Wars supposed to be a KZ2 killer when Halo Wars is a RTS and KZ2 is a FPS?? Are you really serious that your even putting those two in the same category?

Anyways, ive bought 3 games for my 360 this year. Resident Evil 5, Halo Wars, and Street Fighter 4. Thats 3 great games in 4 months. Im very, very satisfied already, and im still waiting for even more games to buy. Fight Night Round 4, Halo 3: ODST, Wolfenstein, Rage, and Red Faction Guerrilla will all be making the...

5554d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Ooh god!!! no browser on the 360!!! My laptop is beside me when i play my games but im still complaining about no browser!! I cant get up and walk to my desktop, so id rather walk to my desktop anyways and complain about no browser on the 360!!!!! JESUS CHRIST I THOUGHT THE 360 WAS A COMPUTER, NOT A GAMING CONSOLE!!!!!!!!!!

PS, im pretty sure the PS3's browser sucks balls compared to a browser on PC, just so you know.

5555d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

ive never thought graphics made a game good, and i still dont, but i have to admit that these images look pretty damn good. if these visuals hold up in actual gameplay, then these are the most realistic visuals ive ever seen. Hell, ive played Crysis maxed out, and Crysis is already the best looking game to date, and these even go a bit further.

5555d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

how much is the toll for crossing your bridge?

5556d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Umm, Halo 2 and Halo 3 both had Dual Wielding weapons features, which shows that you really dont know what your talking about.

5556d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess it makes sense to compare a linear FPS action shooter to an open-world RPG.

5556d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

your comparing Halo 1 to a menu screen?

5556d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

You really think that Sony is a wholesome, home-grown, family oriented community or something dont you? You think that Sony isnt interested in making money the same as Microsoft is???

Lets take exclusive games for example. People on this bias site bash MS for paying for exclusivity for a game. Whats to stop a developer like Guerrilla Games(exclusive to Sony) from going multiplatform? You really think that Guerrilla Games stay PS3 exclusive simply because they like PS3 better? Of ...

5557d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

only took them two and half years to put in.

now maybe PS3 people will get to experience something that has been available to 360 since day one, three years ago.

5557d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

halo 3 is not a run and gun game. True, it is easy to be an average skilled player in Halo 3, but to be truly better than the average player requires much practice and skill. Since ive played Halo for about 8 years now, i think i would know.

5557d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

someones a bit sour that their game doesnt sell as well as Halo 3.

If your bitter against sales data, your welcome to take a look at all the most reliable gaming sites and magazines to check out the very high review scores they gave Halo 3.

5558d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

yea they replace all scratched disks for free. Also try not knock your console over when your playing, and you wont have that problem. Moving your 360 while its playing scratches disks, so it not that hard to leave it alone while your playing. For the past three years of constant 360 gaming, i have not had that problem.

5558d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2 engine can be optimized on the PSP for facks sake. Nothing however, can touch the PS3 version on console.

Edit: Disagree all you want. Would you rather have noodles with ketchup or spaghetti with pancetta and pork infused garlic sauce topped with basil?"

^^^^Im pretty sure id rather not be a fat guy, thanks anyways.

5559d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment